Your Complete Guide To Hosting A Cannabis-Infused Dinner Party

Want to spice things up for your next dinner party? Here’s your complete guide to hosting a cannabis-infused dinner party. Now there are two ways to go about this. You can either smoke the cannabis or have it infused in your food. One of those is easy enough to manage, so we’ll be focusing on serving cannabis-infused food to your guests.

Step 1: Choose Your Guests

As I’m sure you all know, being high is a lot different than drinking. So it’s important to choose guests that are comfortable with cannabis, and make sure you’re comfortable with those people as well. With that in mind, you’re going to be looking at a more intimate event. Close friends are typically the best choice. It’s also a good idea to keep alcohol out of the picture since everyone will be stoned already.


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Step 2: Pick A Theme

This is the perfect opportunity to have a memorable and interesting theme. There are countless possibilities! My advice is to stick to what you know your guests like, whether it’s based on a movie, book, an emotion, or just straight up cannabis. Here are a few of my suggestions:

  • High Times
  • Best-Buds
  • Outer Space
  • Bite-Sized Dinner
  • Beach Bonfire
  • Backyard BBQ

Step 3: Get Familiar With Cannabis Cooking

There are a handful of ways to infuse cannabis into cooking. The first thing you’ll need to know is how to decarboxylate cannabis, so click here for a guide. From there, cannabis can be infused into honey, maple syrup, oils, tinctures, and butter to name a few. Talk to your guests to determine their tolerance levels so you’ll get an idea of how much cannabis you’ll need for your cooking. You should also be prepared to tell your guests exactly how much THC is in their food, that way you’ll prevent anyone from greening out.

Step 4: Set The Vibe

This step is pretty easy. Simply choose a good playlist, and set the mood with some well thought out decor to suit your theme. Things like candles, floral displays, and other decors that will pair well with your theme are good ways to create nice energy for your event. Having a good vibe at your event makes a huge difference, especially when you’re baked.

Step 5: Prep For Safe Travels 

Since all your guests will be high, driving is a big no-no. Make sure that your guests have safe and secure ways to get home. Uber, Lyft, Taxis, are all good choices. You can also have your guests set up their own methods of getting home, which would probably be to get rides from friends or family. Alternatively, have a sleepover!

Did you find these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments below! Shop here for some quality AAA bud.

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