Why does music sound so much better high?

Imagine a world without bread and butter–or without Canada and maple syrup. Sounds weird, right? Well, these combinations are perfect companions from time immemorial. What about cannabis and music? There’s nothing like it– and you can take that to the bank! Let’s be real: people love listening to music while high. Everyone knows it, except of course, you’re far adrift in a strange island. Even Snoopy Doggy  will tell you how good it feels.

Everything feels better when you’re stoned! People have taken time to “study” things like these, and they have them all figured out.

It’s there all along–lighting up your most loved strain, putting on that favorite record, and then relaxing to good tunes while you smoke.

But why does music seem to feel better when high?

Why Does Music Sound Better High?

A couple of reasons may be responsible for this phenomenon. So, let’s delve right in.

Time Dilation

Time dilation is the difference in the elapsed time, as measured by two clocks. This may be due to velocity difference, or because they’re situated differently in a gravitational field.

According to a study,  for over 15 seconds ( on the average), people on cannabis would perceive the passage of 16.7 seconds.

Improvisational jazz icons like Louis Armstrong and Dizzy Gillespie may have loved cannabis so much for this reason– the extra 1.7 seconds for every 15 seconds, which may give musicians a bit of time to think about what to play and where they intend to go, resulting in better performances.

The altered perception of time appears to make music sound better to stoned listeners, and not only stoned performers. Time moves a bit more slowly and that can make them focus on individual sounds for a longer time frame and appreciate the beauty of it.

Changes in Brain Activity

In 2002, Jorg Fachner carried out a study to understand the relationship that exists between cannabis use and how users’ perceived music by studying their brainwave activity. He observed an increase in activity regions of the brain dealing with attention, auditory, and spatial processing.

By listening to a record in stereo, you’d realize the different positions of instruments– some may seem closer or farther, while others panned left or right. The fact is audio recording carries plenty of spatial information, so it’s not out of place that changes to the brain’s spatial processing center would affect the listener’s experience in high proportion.

Memory Processing

One of the common side effects of THC is a fuzzy short memory. But that may be a good thing as it enhances a user’s music appreciation. A music psychologist, Daniel J. Levitin, who is also a professor at McGill University, says by disrupting short-time memory, listeners become more in the music. They’re unable to keep in mind what has been played( or what might be played). For stoned people, they hear music from note to note.

At this point, you rapidly assimilate more information ( more than you can handle) and shift attention as you do so. What follows suit is “emptying” of your short-time memory as often as possible. Due to this “compressed” memory, you’re  more in the music, and that allows you to cultivate a greater focus on each sound.

Music is a Ritual for Smoking Cannabis

Music plays a critical part in the ritual behind smoking cannabis. For a lot of people, sharing a bowl begins with slotting in the right CD. With the smoke permeating your lungs, the music fills your soul. What a wonderful feeling!

Cannabis for Music: What to Try ( Recommended Products)

From Jim Morrison, Bob Marley to Ben harper–have you ever thought about the link between weed and music? Not only the creative process. For listeners, music does sound and feel different on weed.

Yes, different– but how does it happen? Before you bat an eyelid, let me say, the science supports it.

Cannabis can make your music more enjoyable–regardless of the type. But some strains may fit better than others for specific kinds of music. Before sticking that earphone to your ear, you might want to consider the type of cannabis that would fit well with your type of music.

For example, you might need marijuana hybrids that convey a heavy body and a relaxed mind like OG Kush if you’re listening to rap music.

Here is the top cannabis strain pick for an array of musical genres.

 Green Crack

The original name “Cush” became “Green Crack,” all thanks to cannabis celebrity Snoop Doggy when its powerful sativa effects came upon him. The strain does have some lean indica, but the rest lends itselves to energetic high-screaming sativa.

This strain will increase your ability to focus on different performances if you happen to be in a festival crowd. Expect visual and audio distortion as it brings upon you psychedelic effects.

It has citrus notes in its scent, as well as earthy, woody undertones. When you smoke it,  you’ll get a bit of sweet mango flavor, a bit spicy, and a bit harsh. It’s very smooth, too — and that means it’s easy but you’ll not cough up a lung in front of all your new friends..

 Northern Lights

 Northern Lights is arguably the most popular indica strains ever known. For those going to the concert, festival, or show, this is a two-hit-quit. If you go past that, you might risk becoming a spectator and you’ll be  perpetually glued to your seat.

It’s highly sedative due to its pure form (actually, it’s the purest indica strain). Enjoy a solidly chill body high and sensation of joy and well-being. A couple of draws makes you feel like your best night just happened.

The flavor is earthy and piney–you get a feeling of toking up stuff from a wooded forest. You’d also get sweetness as you exhale; that can be palatable as the music blast in your ear.

Rock Star

Call it a star in its own right, and you’re not far from the truth. This 50/50 hybrid clearly has what it takes to make music sound better to your ears. With its positive indica qualities–easing aches and pains, relaxing tension, exacerbating happy feelings–you’ll love it every step of the way. You don’t even get any of the sedative effects. You can dance for hours without your body getting sore or energy flagging. You’ll get plenty of woody and earthy notes–because it’s super pungent. It has a bit of citrus, but it’s the undertone. If you love some skunky, potent weed, then this for you.

Final Note

Listening to music can be fun with the right kind of strain to get you high. Be conversant with the rules surrounding the use of cannabis in your city, and don’t do anything to get you on the wrong side of the law. Jail is not fun–but cannabis is.

In the end, it matters less why cannabis makes music sound better. The real deal is music does sound better with cannabis. So, put on some tunes, light your bowl, close your eyes, and make do with that great feeling.

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