Hawaiian Mango (Hybrid) – AAA


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Hawaiian Mango (Hybrid) – AAA

Hawaiian Mango Strain Introduction:

Type: 50/50 Indica/SativaHybrid

The Hawaiian Mango strain is a delightful hybrid that combines the qualities of both indica and sativa, resulting in a 50/50 Indica/Sativa hybrid. This tropical delight is particularly enjoyable during warm summer days or for those in need of a vacation. While it maintains a perfect balance between its hybrid nature, it tends to lean towards its sativa genetics in terms of its effects. One of its most notable benefits is its ability to enhance mood and provide an energizing boost. Additionally, the Hawaiian Mango strain is known for its capacity to improve focus and mental clarity, making it an excellent choice for individuals who require sharpness and productivity throughout the day.


Ben Avetissian

This is an amazing place! I am always happy with my products, everything is simple to use and understand! Will always come back