Blazin’ With Lyza | Stoner Girls 101: WTF is A Stoner Girl, Anyway | Episode 3

I could never speak disparagingly of one of the truly great Canadians, but Seth Rogen has a lot to answer to when it comes to weed culture. It’s not his fault, but he put in a lot of work in defining pop culture’s image of a stoner. Maybe an evolution from Cheech and Chong, but still a schlubby loser.

As the world appears to crumble around us (not to get too heavy), I have found solace in my girl stoner friends. We send nugs to those facing dankruptcy the week before payday, send each other memes to distract ourselves from the headlines, and most importantly, we socially distance and responsibly puff-puff-don’t-pass-I-don’t-want-your-COVID-germs-near-me-bitch-I-will-cut-you.


Weed Culture Was Dominated by Dudes. Welcome To The New Strain.

Women have always smoked weed (duh), but like most of the choices women make (serious patriarchy face, turn to camera, record scratch), face judgement for it.

If a man smokes weed everyday, he’s a slacker. If a woman smokes weed every day, she must have a major problem.

Legalization ‘freed’ girl stoner culture somewhat, but there is so little out there about girls who get high, we have a very exciting blank page to colour in.

Weed has seen a reframing which is more forgiving of girl stoners – weed as self care, a social drug, a way to manage anxiety, even relief from period pain (!).

Capitalism has taken notice. Now I can use weed-infused skin care.

But what ARE the main components of a stoner girl? We’re a diverse bunch, but I believe after a decade of research (aka smoking a lot of weed with women) I have unearthed the most vital factors:

The Icons

There are so few stoner girl figures, that there aren’t that many cliches in place (apart from that we all enjoy wearing comfortable hoodies, which is an objective fact). I can’t back this with data, but there is a very strong correlation between stoner girls and girls who like girls. I mean, have you seen girls?

This brings me to Rhianna. A major pop star (and, incidentally, the most beautiful woman on earth) who loves weed and smokes it all the time, openly and without shame. I wish to have the image of Rihanna rolling a blunt on her security guard’s head embedded into my brain forever.

Obviously it’s not just Rhianna. Fellow weed columnist Whoppi Goldberg loves Mary Jane so much that she wrote an ode to her vape pen, which she nicknames Sippy. Sarah Silverman is another favourite, and more female icons are coming out about their favourite plant, leading to the unusual and iconic pairing of Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg.

The Ritual.

One of the most vital aspects of the stoner girl revolves around the ritual.

The ritual is all about creating a situation which is just so to enjoy your high.

For me, it is about the aesthetics of my colour-coordinated weed materials.

I have a feng-shui feeling of satisfaction when I open up my pink stash box to reveal my pink grinder, my king size papers, my pink vape, my Hello Kitty rolling tray and my green buds. I roll or prepare my glittery pink bong, enjoying every step of The Ritual.

I feel like it is VITAL for me to point out that none of my stoner girl friends do the pink thing, I just have an ingrained belief that colour coordinating my life will give it a semblance of order, but for all of us, The Ritual is a vital part of the high. A little me time.

The Music.

A vital part of The Ritual is setting up the perfect soundtrack, obsessively skipping through endless meticulously curated mood playlists to match the precise vibe. Stoner girl tastes are endless, but pop music is certainly starting to embrace stoner girl culture (we all collectively lost our minds when Lady Gaga admitted that she had smoked too much weed in front of Beyonce and had a panic attack, which is understandable in the presence of an actual deity).

Stoner girl music is also on the rise. Ontario’s own Partner’s stoner girl anthem ‘Everybody Knows’ is filled with relatable moments – getting trapped in your own reflection while picking up munchies in the store, suddenly struck with the thought that everyone is watching your high ass pick up three bags of Doritos.

The Media.

Everyone is a content creator now, and stoner girls are making plenty of it around their love of the bud. As a card carrying millennial, I only hover on the peripherals of the shadowy realms of the next generation of stoner girl content, but it is out there. YouTubers, bloggers, instagram influencers and TikTok stars are building a new post-legalization stoner girl empire.

When it comes to more traditional media, we have clung desperately to the few stoner girl heroines depicted in cinema, with the queen being Anna Farris in the honestly-it-is-so-good Smiley Face. Stoner girls have found a better home on TV, where they are popping up everywhere, from Ilana and Abbi in Broad City, to Van in Atlanta, to Nadia in Russian Doll, your TV isn’t really prestige unless a woman is toking up.

The Not Giving A Single Fuck

This is the most important part of what makes a stoner girl. Realising how it is a genuinely enjoyable part of life, with many benefits. Despite the judgement and guilt placed on stoner girls, we all understand that it is good to enjoy and embrace a part of our lives that make us happy, and to not give a single fuck about what anyone thinks.

Tl;dr: Stoner girls are thriving.

Wanna dabble in being a stoner girl and set up your very own Ritual? Try these:

Rocky Mountain Battery Vape Pen

Many women are now choosing to vape, which provides a healthy and clean high. This is the perfect starter vape, which works with most cartridges.

Red Congo Rocky Mountain Vape Pen Cartridge

Start up with one of our most popular cartridge strains – this pure sativa strain is award-winning and will give you an intensely creative high, cause you only deserve the best.

Purple Candy Indica Flower

This potent bud is a reliable smoke for handling anxiety, especially around work or problem solving. It is a head-clearing and relaxing strain, ideal for a work day or a chill with friends.

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